Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who says Libraries are Just for Reading

I say this tongue-in-cheek as gaming (in the sense of computer, video, or
console) involves more reading skills than one might imagine. Comprehension, sequencing, and vocabulary are among the skills one might hone while gaming.“Gaming advocates suggest that even if video games don’t motivate more traditional reading, they have the potential to teach players how to
absorb visual information and think strategically” (Motoko Rich, 10/5/08). Not to mention the many story based games, such as Nintendo’s Zelda, that challenge reading and thinking skills through puzzle and riddle solving.
Thanks to the community partnership of GameCrazy, over a dozen youth (and some parents!) kicked off their spring break with a morning of console gaming. Wii pushed contestants to their limits as they attempted to achieve higher levels in Nintendo’s Super Smash Brothers Brawl. For those with more of a musical bend, Guitar Hero challenged their hand-eye coordination as they tried to make music with the pros.
We have now scheduled console gaming on a bi-monthly basis, with the next event on Saturday, May 16 from 10 a.m. to noon.
Kath Ann Hendricks

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