Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Makerspace Activities

A “makerspace” is a place for the community to get together to experiment,
design, and collaborate on projects. The library’s Make It at the Library project
features STEAM-based activities that emphasize exploration of science,
technology, engineering, art, and math. The library offers a variety of activities
for every age! April’s activities include:

Every Wednesday @ 4 p.m. KIDS KNIT & CROCHET GROUP: Learn to knit or
crochet. All skill levels are invited to join in this drop-in program.

Monday, April 6 @ 4 p.m. ORIGAMI CLUB: Join us for a fun hour of origami!
No experience necessary. All supplies provided. All ages welcome!

Thursday, April 9 & April 23@ 7 p.m. ADULT FIBER ARTS GROUP: Bring your
current project to on while we visit, discuss books and current events. Open to all
skill levels (for adults, but all ages are welcome).

Monday, April 13 & April 27 @ 4 p.m. KIDS CREATIVE WRITING GROUP:
Bring a pencil, some paper, and your imagination. For kids in grades 1-5.

Wednesday, April 15 @ 7 p.m. FAMILY BUILD IT NIGHT: families of all shapes
and sizes are invited to participate in the library’s first monthly build project.
Families will work together to build a low/high tech project. All skill levels are
invited to participate. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult for
this project.

Friday, April 24 @ 3 p.m. ARDUINO PROGRAM: Learn how to wire and
program a microcontroller with this hands-on activity. Best suited for students
ten years old and older.

Saturday, April 25 @ 10 a.m. ADULT CRAFT: Celebrate Earth Day with a
“green” craft program for adults. We’ll use old books, power tools, and recycled
containers to make a book planter for small succulent plants. Please RSVP to
this event on the Library’s Facebook page (
events) by April 13 to ensure we have enough supplies.

Jamie Bair, Circulation Supervisor

Meet New Employee Amanda

I’m what people call a “Maine-ah”…. otherwise known as someone from
Maine. I embrace this nickname whole-heartedly! Besides Maine, I
have lived in New York, Georgia, and now Idaho with my husband.

In my spare time I enjoy doing different crafts like quilting, painting, and
scrapbooking along with outdoor activities like 4-wheeling, swimming,
camping, and much more. My favorite color is green, and I love flowers. I
enjoy traveling to new places and being with my family. My favorite foods
are Mom’s home cooking and Mexican.

Celebrate National Poetry Month

15th Annual Poetry WallPocatello’s Marshall Public Library celebrates National Poetry Month in
April with the 15th annual Poetry Wall!

Started in 2001 by librarian Joan Juskie, the Poetry Wall displays
original work from local poets. Local poets of all ages have submitted
work to be displayed, and the talent of our local writers is amazing to

The Senior Activities Center Creative Writing Group is honored this year
with an entire panel devoted to their members’ writing. Founded 33
years ago, this group meets weekly to learn something new about
creativity, poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. If you’re interested in joining
this group of local writers, please come to the Senior Activities Center at
427 N. 6th any Friday from 1-3.

Come to the library’s second floor anytime in April to see Marshall
Public Library’s 15th annual Poetry Wall. You will understand why
Pocatello is Idaho’s Poetry Capital!

Blackout Poetry for Teens
Do you have trouble coming up with the perfect words to express your
feelings, or you just need a little boost to get beyond that writer’s block?
Here is your chance to ‘borrow’ a little and express yourself in a unique

Teens are invited to drop in and pick up a page or two from some of our
damaged and discarded books to express your thoughts and feelings.
Check out our display and create a poem today! Submit one or two and
we’ll post them on our Blackout Poetry wall.

Electronic Blackout Poetry
If you like writing blackout poetry, make it high-tech at a special tween
and teen event!
Teens are invited to create a blackout poem and then we will attach
circuitry and an LED light. Pictures of this will be posted on the YA

Join us on Tuesday, April 14, from 4-5 p.m. to create your own
electronic blackout poem!

For more information on these and other teen activities, contact YA
Librarian Kath Ann at 232-1263 ext. 109.

First Graders Visit Library in April

In April, the library will be happily overrun by first graders! Why? Well,
April is the month when all the elementary schools bring their first
grade students to the library for a special storytime, a tour of the
library, and a chance to check out a book.

It is very important for children to learn about and have positive
experiences with the library, and first grade is a wonderful time for this
introduction. Our regular storytimes will resume in May.