Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Garden Thyme @Your Library

After one last snowstorm, spring has finally truly arrived and many of our community’s green thumbs are itching to get both their thumbs and all their fingers in the dirt.

Growing a vegetable or herb garden is a relaxing pastime that a family can share together and a way for an individual or a family to save money on grocery bills. It’s also simply fun and satisfying to plant a seed and nurture its growth into a plant.

On Monday, May 13, at Marshall Public Library, lifelong gardener and owner of the online business Glenn Cox will present a program on growing your own garden. He will also discuss an important but often overlooked component of healthy gardens: honeybees.

The program begins at 7:00 p.m. and admission is free to all members of our community. Everyone in attendance will get a free packet of seeds. This is a great all-ages, family program. For more information on this program, please call Amy at the library at 232-1263 ext. 106.

Amy Campbell, Reference Librarian

Teens and Their Money

Marshall Public Library’s Thursday evening program Teens and Their Money continues in May!

On May 2 and May 9 at 6:00 p.m., these programs just for TEENS will help them set money goals, learn how to manage their money, find employment, and save for college or other interests. Programs are presented by Janaan H. Haskell, Field Director for the Center of Economic Education at Idaho State University; Idaho Department of Labor; and Idaho State University’s Financial Aid Officer Carey Jennings.

The first of these programs was well-attended and received positive feedback. Don’t miss the last two!

Kath Ann Hendricks, Young Adult Librarian

New Computer Instructor in June

Caralee Workman is a familiar face on the first floor of the library, but she will soon have an additional library role to play: computer instructor.

Teaching a combined Microsoft Word and Powerpoint class allows Caralee to share both her computer expertise and her love of teaching. From students to job seekers to grandparents who want to type family newsletters, Word and Powerpoint are important and fun computer skills for everyone to have.

With classes starting in June, Caralee is eager to teach her students how to create and save Word files and why PowerPoint is not just for businessmen. For more information on Caralee’s class or on the Beginning Computers, Microsoft Excel, or Taming the Internet classes, please talk with Caralee on the first floor or Amy on the second floor.

Enjoy Reading with Us

If you love reading and discussing good books, then book it to the library and join one (or all!) of our book groups!

May 8 @6 p.m. A Breath of Eyre

May 13 @7 p.m. The Violets of March

May 14 @7 p.m. A Study in Scarlet

May 20 @2 p.m. Plum Island