Many thanks go to the Friends of Marshall Public Library (FOMPL) for the funds to purchase new board games for the library! The new games include some replacements and some brand new ones that I am very excited about.
Among the new games are Mouse Trap, Flip Out,Mastermind, Buzz Word, Story Cubes, Monopoly-Electronic Banking, Dominion, Ticket to Ride, and The Settlers of Catan. FOMPL also gave the library replacements for Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders which will be stored in hanging bags in the children’s area with the puzzles. New copies of Life and Sorry were also purchased.
We have tentative plans for a board game night in February so keep your eyes peeled and we will keep you posted!
The Friends are generous in helping us obtain special things for the library that are not in our regular budget. All proceeds from our yearly book sales and the on-going book sale by the Circulation Desk help make these things possible. If you would like to become a FOMPL, please ask at the Circulation Desk.
Don’t forget about our Annual Winter Dreams open-mike night which will be held on Friday, January 10, from 6-7:30 p.m. Teens are invited to bring something to read and a treat to share in this fun after-hours coffee house setting with an audience of their peers.
Kath Ann Hendricks, Young Adult Librarian