Friday, June 19, 2009


The Eastern Idaho Funding Information Center (EIFIC) is hosting a free workshop for nonprofit grantseekers seeking funds from foundations, corporations, and grantmaking public charities. The workshop will be held at Pocatello’s Marshall Public Library, 113 South Garfield Avenue, July 6, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon.
Kief Schladweiler, EIFIC’s Coordinator of Cooperating Collections, will offer tips and suggestions on how best to identify funding sources, highlighting the electronic and print resources available for your free use at EIFIC in Pocatello’s Marshall Public Library. The workshop will include an overview of resources at the Foundation Center’s web site and a demonstration of the Center’s searchable databases providing information on thousands grantmakers that support grant projects.
Seating is limited. Call Marshall Public Library at 232-1263 ext. 22 to register. Participants who wish to bring their own PC will have wireless access. Those without a PC are also welcome.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Small Engine Repair Reference Center

Summer is here and many of us have items with small engines that need tune-ups or repairs. Marshall Public Library provides free online access to the information you need to fix them yourself.
The Small Engine Repair Reference Center is a full-text database intended for anyone seeking information about small engine maintenance and repair. A full set of small engine repair manuals contains thousands of accurate and concise step-by-step maintenance and repair instructions for hundreds of small engine machines and their supporting components. Routine maintenance, such as tune-ups and brake service, as well as more extensive repairs involving engine transmission disassembly are covered. Engines types include motorcycles, ATVs, personal water craft, snowmobiles, lawn mowers, tractors, snow blowers, generators, and more. Many documents contain photos and detailed illustrations to visually support step-by-step procedures.
Call the Library @ 232-1263 ext. 22 for passwords.
Kris Castro, Reference Supervisor

Express Yourself @ Your Library!

Express Yourself @ Your Library! is our summer reading theme especially for TEENS. If you will be entering grades 7-12 next fall, this is for you.
TEENS at Marshall Public Library will be exploring the many ways of expressing themselves through visual, dramatic, written, and political avenues. Read books based on plays or movies, books about artists, poets, musicians, or celebrities, or even something with a political bent. With 10 challenges to choose from, there is something of interest for everyone. Up to four prizes will be awarded (one per week) for reading books, attending a teen movie or program, or doing a creative project to display in the library.
We have many TEEN activities planned throughout the summer, including a monthly book club, movie nights, board game night, console gaming event, and a poetry slam. TEEN summer reading culminates with a Reader’s Theatre and end-of-summer party.
Express Yourself@ Your Library! began in May with our monthly Teen Movie night. A double feature will be shown for TEENS on one Friday each month through August. Show times begin at 5pm and continue after-hours until about 9:30pm.
For a full schedule of our movies and other activities, visit the Young Adult Blog on our website ( or become a FAN of Marshall Public Library on Facebook.  You may also find our schedule by logging on to the Idaho State Journal’s JHub ( or simply give us a call at 232-1263 ext. 28.
See YA at the library!
Kath Ann Hendricks, Young Adult Librarian

Creative Writing Groups for Youth

Attention young poets, novelists, journalists, and scribes of all types! We want you for the two youth creative writing groups at the Library!
Write On! meets twice a month on Mondays to share writing and encouragement. All children between the ages of 9 and 12 are welcome to attend. This is a great opportunity for kids to express their creativity through writing as well as stretch their skills with guided writings.
Literally Talented Teens also meets twice a month on Thursdays. This group is for all youth ages 13-18. Members share original writing and illustrations and offer support and positive feedback to their fellow teen writers.
Both groups are free, informal, and open to all youth who would like to share the unique joys and frustrations of being a young writer.
Amy Campbell, Reference Librarian

Why should the Youth Dept. have all the fun?

Summertime at the library is a busy time. The children and teens are often involved in the Summer Reading Program, but my question to you is, why should the youth department have all of the fun? So, this year the Marshall Public Library is presenting a summer program just for adults. Sign-up begins June 1st at the Reader’s Advisor desk; registration is required. The Adult Summer Library BINGO Challenge is going to last through the summer until August 15.
This challenge is not just reading books. Other challenges include returning your materials on time, posting a comment on the library’s blog, and even checking out a new book.
Each square on the bingo card has a different challenge. As with regular Bingo, participants must get five in a row for Bingo. A completed Bingo earns an entry in the prize drawing. A Blackout, all five rows completed, earns five additional entries in the drawing. There will be some fun prizes too that are made possible through donations from local businesses.
Come in and sign up today for the Adult Summer Library BINGO Challenge. Registration is limited. The sign up period is June 1 through June 30. Be among the first to register and receive a bookmark.
Becky Hadley, Reader’s Advisor